Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day +19

My numbers are going up rapidly and my tree of IV bags is getting smaller and smaller. I'm starting to eat on my own, which is big since I plan on eating my weight in turkey next week. Can't wait to get out of here and I can see the finish line. I will be under caregiver asst for about 2 months and then I'm hoping to be back to my life, just better than before.

I know I've stated a bunch of goals, but I came up with a few more. One is to be snowboarding before the season ends. The other goal is to share my experience with patients who are going through what I went through. But to be very encouraging. I met with 3 survivors since being admitted and noticed that the first two had been so down trodden and didn't really provide much positive reinforcements. The third survivor was a 77 year old chipper guy who had his transplant the same day as me 11 years earlier and was skiing by march. He was so encouraging and I realized that I want to give back the same way as the last survivor. He was so positive and I know that I can spin my experience to show that life doesn't end at cancer but actually is renewed.

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